Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Suicide ISN'T the answer in LGBT Community


I was having some hard time to access to edit this blog since I have numerous of G Mail. (I know, but don't ask me why I have too much emails server, probably I have picky problem with the emails? :P) 

I am just glad that I could access to this blog right now. :o) How have you been doing since?

Anyway, back to the point.. I want to write a blog that got me inspired from reading one article on other blog that posted by a young boy from Indiana. (I don't want to mentioned due to his privacy)

His post talked about the suicide that was happening all over the America, the kids or adult who was gay/lesbian but in the closet committed the suicide by the bullies or no supports from the society. It was true because their parents, family or friends who thinks that it is wrong to be gay/lesbian, and decided to preaching them what's right and what's wrong. But my answer toward to the community out there who didn't support those youth or adult for who they are, I believe that it's a shame for what they did to our community. The behavior like that is not tolerated, and that behavior needed to be stop. For example, the people who have the religion/belief or close-minded do usually pushes them over, and think it's okay to hurt them, not accepting who they are. Do you think it is funny to see those young people who have the future and it got end suddenly because of YOU, the bullies. But unfortunately, the school district like those school who have those incidents happened didn't take the action, in the reality, I wish those bullies should get expelled for good, and never come back to that school or other school or get send to the therapist/workshop for a year to learn about LGBT cultures until they realized what they did to our community. It will help to end the suicide to have less percent and the percent of coming-out will increase. The best way to less suicidal is to comfort them and accept who they are, it doesn't matter if he/she is part of your family or have a religion belief. That's the reason why I don't believe in God because of those people who likes to preaching the fairy-tale stories against those people or force them to believe in their belief which it turns me off BIG time. They don't practice what they supposed to doing. The one quote that I loved - "Don't judge until you walk in their shoes". So is that quote make you have some thinking? :-)

I feel the pain for those youth who decided to end their life in their youth age. I was one of them before until I enter high school. I won't coming out until Junior years, I decided to come out and got a lot of positive support from friends/peers, it make me realized that I should come out a while ago. You should do same thing, but SLOWLY is for the best.

I want to remind you, the people who is in closet and afraid to come out or being bullied, don't think about ending your life. The sentence that you need to put in your mind - "Suicide isn't the answer, coming out or standing up to get some help is the best answer, you're not alone." 

The bullies alike you who is close-minded need to get a lot of help to resolves the problem that you had toward to the LGBT community, seriously. You may go to the counselor to seek a help to see why you were bullying those innocent people, it's a shame to see you to do this behavior. I may repeat this word -- Don't ever bully those innocent people such as calling them names - "Fag, Dyke, etc." which it is not appropriated! How about I call you those names - "Mental Retarded, etc."? You would like that? Of course, you don't because you always think about yourself. My suggestion is to leave those people alone and get to the programs, dear.

My condolence and loves for those people who lost their child by commit the suicide.

Advice for you guys who is considering about commit the suicide, don't do it, seek a counselor in your area. They will help you out to what you expected. If it is not helping, you can go to your friend's house to stay for a while until your parents realized what they were doing was very wrong. It's helping though.

Thank you for your time to read this post,

P.S. - If you feel offensive by this post, don't read and leave. There's a lot of blogs in the search engine that you can read for better, less drama.


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